Monday, October 19, 2009

Mungu Yu Mwema!

The title is in Swahili, which translated is "God is so good." And God is good!
This past week, God has shown Himself to Nate, Sean and me in His own little ways: nothing big and flashy, but quietly and subtle, just enough to let us know that it was Him.

First being that Sean took four, count 'em, FOUR steeps to me Monday! He had pulled himself up on a chair, saw me and decided to walk to his mommy. Nate and I were thrilled! I scooped him up, cheered, and that startled him! (sorry Sean...) He's been taking a few steeps and standing short periods by himself all week!
Mungu Yu Mwema!

Tuesday night was the biggest scare in Sean history. We recently rearranged our family room so we can cut down on clutter and have a better area for Sean to crawl/learn to walk it. All of us were out in the room getting ready for dinner (we were having an indoor picnic). I left to get dinner plated when all of a sudden I heard Nate use a 4-letter word, a loud thud and Sean scream.
I ran to the baby gate (our house doesn't have many doors) and saw Sean lying on the floor and the TV right next to him. Nate said that he pulled it over.
My mind automatically went into worst case mode; the TV fell on him! But, praise be to God, Nate saw it starting to tip and pushed it out of Sean's path. The screaming Sean was doing was from being scared, which is completely understandable.
Mungu Yu Mwema!

Last night, Nate went to teach Bible class at church, which is about a 30-40 minute drive. Sean went to Grandmas and Grandpas, and I ended up staying home (long story, don't ask). Money is tight, as it is with most everyone; but it's real tight for us. So, as I was at home by myself (which was nice, I have to admit) cleaning the cupboards, I prayed. I prayed for a miracle so that we could put gas into the car so we can get through the week without running out.
God answered that today. Earlier this month, I made a cake for my grammy's church. I thought that she had already payed me in advance, but this morning (I'm at her house till 3:30-ish) she gave me $10 for the cake. I explained that she already payed me, but she said that she wanted me to have it, since the cake was just 'exceptionally good'. See the power of prayer?
Mungu Yu Mwema!

And today there is another reason to rejoice. Nate went to the doctor for a follow up for the diverticulitis and was still having pain in his belly. We were both concerned that the infection was still there and that another hospitalization would be necessary.
At the doctor, the surgent found that the pain is caused form the fat around the colon twisted and the cells died off. The only problem that will cause is just some pain and discomfort, which can be controlled with OTC pain meds. All of the infection in Nate's colon is gone!
Mungu Yu Mwema!

I could be complaining right now about the cold rain were having, or that I haven't been feeling well lately, or any number of things. But after doing a mental review of this week, I don't want to. God had been faithful, God has been good to us. God be praised forever!

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