But, I'm tired and going to bed. I just thought I'd update, sim=nce Nate has been pestering me that I didn't last week. I may tell y'all later
Monday, November 2, 2009
Well, I am unofficially participation in National Novel Writing Month. The goal; write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. So far 67 words down - 49,933 left.
But, I'm tired and going to bed. I just thought I'd update, sim=nce Nate has been pestering me that I didn't last week. I may tell y'all later
But, I'm tired and going to bed. I just thought I'd update, sim=nce Nate has been pestering me that I didn't last week. I may tell y'all later
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Mungu Yu Mwema!
The title is in Swahili, which translated is "God is so good." And God is good!
This past week, God has shown Himself to Nate, Sean and me in His own little ways: nothing big and flashy, but quietly and subtle, just enough to let us know that it was Him.
First being that Sean took four, count 'em, FOUR steeps to me Monday! He had pulled himself up on a chair, saw me and decided to walk to his mommy. Nate and I were thrilled! I scooped him up, cheered, and that startled him! (sorry Sean...) He's been taking a few steeps and standing short periods by himself all week!
Mungu Yu Mwema!
Tuesday night was the biggest scare in Sean history. We recently rearranged our family room so we can cut down on clutter and have a better area for Sean to crawl/learn to walk it. All of us were out in the room getting ready for dinner (we were having an indoor picnic). I left to get dinner plated when all of a sudden I heard Nate use a 4-letter word, a loud thud and Sean scream.
I ran to the baby gate (our house doesn't have many doors) and saw Sean lying on the floor and the TV right next to him. Nate said that he pulled it over.
My mind automatically went into worst case mode; the TV fell on him! But, praise be to God, Nate saw it starting to tip and pushed it out of Sean's path. The screaming Sean was doing was from being scared, which is completely understandable.
Mungu Yu Mwema!
Last night, Nate went to teach Bible class at church, which is about a 30-40 minute drive. Sean went to Grandmas and Grandpas, and I ended up staying home (long story, don't ask). Money is tight, as it is with most everyone; but it's real tight for us. So, as I was at home by myself (which was nice, I have to admit) cleaning the cupboards, I prayed. I prayed for a miracle so that we could put gas into the car so we can get through the week without running out.
God answered that today. Earlier this month, I made a cake for my grammy's church. I thought that she had already payed me in advance, but this morning (I'm at her house till 3:30-ish) she gave me $10 for the cake. I explained that she already payed me, but she said that she wanted me to have it, since the cake was just 'exceptionally good'. See the power of prayer?
Mungu Yu Mwema!
And today there is another reason to rejoice. Nate went to the doctor for a follow up for the diverticulitis and was still having pain in his belly. We were both concerned that the infection was still there and that another hospitalization would be necessary.
At the doctor, the surgent found that the pain is caused form the fat around the colon twisted and the cells died off. The only problem that will cause is just some pain and discomfort, which can be controlled with OTC pain meds. All of the infection in Nate's colon is gone!
Mungu Yu Mwema!
I could be complaining right now about the cold rain were having, or that I haven't been feeling well lately, or any number of things. But after doing a mental review of this week, I don't want to. God had been faithful, God has been good to us. God be praised forever!
This past week, God has shown Himself to Nate, Sean and me in His own little ways: nothing big and flashy, but quietly and subtle, just enough to let us know that it was Him.
First being that Sean took four, count 'em, FOUR steeps to me Monday! He had pulled himself up on a chair, saw me and decided to walk to his mommy. Nate and I were thrilled! I scooped him up, cheered, and that startled him! (sorry Sean...) He's been taking a few steeps and standing short periods by himself all week!
Mungu Yu Mwema!
Tuesday night was the biggest scare in Sean history. We recently rearranged our family room so we can cut down on clutter and have a better area for Sean to crawl/learn to walk it. All of us were out in the room getting ready for dinner (we were having an indoor picnic). I left to get dinner plated when all of a sudden I heard Nate use a 4-letter word, a loud thud and Sean scream.
I ran to the baby gate (our house doesn't have many doors) and saw Sean lying on the floor and the TV right next to him. Nate said that he pulled it over.
My mind automatically went into worst case mode; the TV fell on him! But, praise be to God, Nate saw it starting to tip and pushed it out of Sean's path. The screaming Sean was doing was from being scared, which is completely understandable.
Mungu Yu Mwema!
Last night, Nate went to teach Bible class at church, which is about a 30-40 minute drive. Sean went to Grandmas and Grandpas, and I ended up staying home (long story, don't ask). Money is tight, as it is with most everyone; but it's real tight for us. So, as I was at home by myself (which was nice, I have to admit) cleaning the cupboards, I prayed. I prayed for a miracle so that we could put gas into the car so we can get through the week without running out.
God answered that today. Earlier this month, I made a cake for my grammy's church. I thought that she had already payed me in advance, but this morning (I'm at her house till 3:30-ish) she gave me $10 for the cake. I explained that she already payed me, but she said that she wanted me to have it, since the cake was just 'exceptionally good'. See the power of prayer?
Mungu Yu Mwema!
And today there is another reason to rejoice. Nate went to the doctor for a follow up for the diverticulitis and was still having pain in his belly. We were both concerned that the infection was still there and that another hospitalization would be necessary.
At the doctor, the surgent found that the pain is caused form the fat around the colon twisted and the cells died off. The only problem that will cause is just some pain and discomfort, which can be controlled with OTC pain meds. All of the infection in Nate's colon is gone!
Mungu Yu Mwema!
I could be complaining right now about the cold rain were having, or that I haven't been feeling well lately, or any number of things. But after doing a mental review of this week, I don't want to. God had been faithful, God has been good to us. God be praised forever!
Not Me! Monday
Oh, what a beautiful morning!
Sean is playing on the floor in our newly rearranged front room and I am not letting him pull the DVD jewel cases out of the holders. It's was so cute when he did not open Short Circuit and start smugging his little fingerprints all over it. I certainly was not tempted about letting him destory it be cause I do not hate that movie that Nate loves.
And I am by no means smelling a diaper that needs changed, but an letting Sean play with it on, because he's not fussing and, simply, I need a moment.
I did not stay up till 12:30 this morning getting lunch ready for Nate, boiling eggs for breakfast, finding that gas card and then finally able to get a shower, only to have the gas card left behind by my dear husband. At least he took the lunch and eggs....
I did not just change Sean's diapie butt and then left him in his room to crawl around in because he was just so happy to crawl in their.
And just for the record I am not feeling not guilty for abandoning cloth diapers once our washing machine broke and have not gone back.
Sean has not shown a sudden increased interest in nursing and I am not hungry all the time again. I am not hungry right now because I have (not) eaten breakfast, and I am not going to get some.
Not Me Monday
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Not Me!
Okay, I'm still waiting for the Mcklinky to go up, but even if it doesn't, I'm doing a "Not Me!" Monday. Remember "Not Me!" Monday was started by MckMama; any and all rules are linked in her side bar.
First, I did not forget to tell y'all that Nate is out of hospital, doing fine and feels great. Not me!
I did not miss the third Sunday church service in a row because I am so worn out by Sunday morning! Not me!
I did not give Sean some pizza crust at dinner Friday to keep him occupied at the pizzeria. Not Me!
I did not ask my visiting mother-in-law help us move furniture in out living room to re-arrange the space. Not Me!
I am not freaking out even though I'm 'late', and have been taking my BC every day right on time; and I have not thought about picking up a home pregnancy test, just in case, even though it's just my body reacting to the stress of last week. Not Me!
Lastly, I did not spend the night at my parents house last night so I could sleep in a bed that didn't hurt my back. Not Me!
First, I did not forget to tell y'all that Nate is out of hospital, doing fine and feels great. Not me!
I did not miss the third Sunday church service in a row because I am so worn out by Sunday morning! Not me!
I did not give Sean some pizza crust at dinner Friday to keep him occupied at the pizzeria. Not Me!
I did not ask my visiting mother-in-law help us move furniture in out living room to re-arrange the space. Not Me!
I am not freaking out even though I'm 'late', and have been taking my BC every day right on time; and I have not thought about picking up a home pregnancy test, just in case, even though it's just my body reacting to the stress of last week. Not Me!
Lastly, I did not spend the night at my parents house last night so I could sleep in a bed that didn't hurt my back. Not Me!
Uhhhhhhhhhhggg...... Is it Friday yet?
Not Me Monday
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Change in Plans
I was going to do a Wordless Wednesday and blog tomorrow about how crazy the past two weeks have been; Omaha Zoo trips, birthdays, Broadway shows, surprise parties, and so on.
But all of that changed this afternoon.....
Monday, Nate was diagnosed with diverticulitis, which is rare in a 27-year-old. The doctor prescribed antibiotics and tool him to keep in touch if anything new came up. That night, he spiked a temperature with a splitting headache, vertigo extreme nausea (which we figured out was him not taking his meds with food). Tylenol brought the fever down, but it kept coming back.
He called the Doctor this morning about the fever and headache, and the Doc said to high tail it to the ER to make sure there wasn't an abscess. My grammy was able to shuffle the three of us to M----- Hospital and take Sean to her place. Nate and I were there for about three hours, and after some abdomanel x-rays, IV antibiotics and blood work, his temp was still slowly climbing; from 98.8F at ER admission to 99.1/99.2F an hour and a half later - on antibiotics. That got the doctors scratching their heads.... plus the fact that nate started to get a rash raised some red flags. The rash probably was from the hospital linnes (my hands were started to turn pink for handling them, too. Stupid sensitive skin...), the the doctors had to treat it as if it were the medications - just to be safe.
He was admitted at around three thirty this afternoon. His parents came in from Ill. and are staying with his brother for the night. Tomorrow we're going to make plans on who is visiting when and watching Sean, and to help me out. The stay is 24 hours at bear minimum, it could be longer if need be. A CAT scan is going to be done sometime tomorrow morning to see if they can find anything the couldn't the first time without the dye stuff.
I know that I shouldn't worry like our pastor told me, but where Nate hasn't been able to work all week we are going to be really hurting when we are already between a rock and a hard spot financially.
I know that not a lot of anyone reads this blog, but if you are one of the few who do, please leave a comment and say a prayer for Nate, Sean and myself. We need it.
But all of that changed this afternoon.....
Monday, Nate was diagnosed with diverticulitis, which is rare in a 27-year-old. The doctor prescribed antibiotics and tool him to keep in touch if anything new came up. That night, he spiked a temperature with a splitting headache, vertigo extreme nausea (which we figured out was him not taking his meds with food). Tylenol brought the fever down, but it kept coming back.
He called the Doctor this morning about the fever and headache, and the Doc said to high tail it to the ER to make sure there wasn't an abscess. My grammy was able to shuffle the three of us to M----- Hospital and take Sean to her place. Nate and I were there for about three hours, and after some abdomanel x-rays, IV antibiotics and blood work, his temp was still slowly climbing; from 98.8F at ER admission to 99.1/99.2F an hour and a half later - on antibiotics. That got the doctors scratching their heads.... plus the fact that nate started to get a rash raised some red flags. The rash probably was from the hospital linnes (my hands were started to turn pink for handling them, too. Stupid sensitive skin...), the the doctors had to treat it as if it were the medications - just to be safe.
He was admitted at around three thirty this afternoon. His parents came in from Ill. and are staying with his brother for the night. Tomorrow we're going to make plans on who is visiting when and watching Sean, and to help me out. The stay is 24 hours at bear minimum, it could be longer if need be. A CAT scan is going to be done sometime tomorrow morning to see if they can find anything the couldn't the first time without the dye stuff.
I know that I shouldn't worry like our pastor told me, but where Nate hasn't been able to work all week we are going to be really hurting when we are already between a rock and a hard spot financially.
I know that not a lot of anyone reads this blog, but if you are one of the few who do, please leave a comment and say a prayer for Nate, Sean and myself. We need it.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Not Me!!
For MckMama's "Mot Me! Monday" I thought that I should put my 2 cents worth in...
First off this is not my first entry for the project!
And during our family's weekend vacation to Omaha, I did not let my son eat a jar of pasta and roasted veggies and then ask the server for some sauce-less pasta for him! Not me!
I did not nurse him to sleep this morning in bed and doze off myself, nor did I do that two times, at 5:30 and 7am!
I most certainly did not royally tick him off by pealing back his lips to see the three teeth that came in today! Who do you think I am!
I am not letting him sleep with one of the lacy washcloths I knit because he likes to snuggle it and chew the corner! That is inconceivable! Who would let there child sleep like that!
And, of coarse, I am dressed and have my hair combed and teeth bushed, have a fresh sweep of make-up on and sweet smelling perfume! Who would want to lounge around in there pajamas all day after an eight hour car ride the night before?!? Are you crazy?!?
Just to clarify, this is all tong in cheek. I really did those things and I am not ashamed to admit it.
To understand this project better, check out MckMama's Not Me! Monday
Not Me Monday,
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Sleep Sleep Sleepy
The theme of our house had been "I'm tired" for the past several days.
Tobey, well, Tobey is always lounging around. It's just part of his temperament, but also he's getting old (almost 8). And while he is lounging, he demands tummy rubs... and I am a sucker for an exposed tummy.
I really need to get him together with his dog cousins; they always give his a good burst of energy, since one is a terrier and the other a puppy. Plus, he really enjoys playing with them.
Nate has been tired form allergies. If it's green and grows, he's allergic to it; the main reason I haven't gotten flowers in over two-and-a-half years. He's feeling better now; the sinus infection has been killed with antibiotics and grapefruit juice.
I have conic insomnia, which always gets worse a week to week-and-a-half before.... um, 'that time' and I'll be up till sometimes 2:30am. It's not like I want to do it or I'm trying to stay up on purpose! I just can't shut off my mind and go to sleep. You think that I should see a doctor?
Last is Sean. Sean slept form 9:45pm to 7am and is now back to sleep at 8am. I don't blame him and I am not worried in the least.
1) Sean had a very busy weekend. Friends came in town Friday, Daddy and Sean ran all over town on Saturday, and Sunday, Sean went to his friend, Tommy's, first birthday party.
2) Sean got his flu shot yesterday. Yes, I vaccinate my child. Look at some of my older post on what I think about it. But tiredness is a very common side effect of the flu shot. I'm keeping an eye on him though, just to make sure nothing new shows up. (A slight fever is also common with the flu shot, but I know how to handle a low grade temp. ^_^)
I wish that I had some more newer photos of Sean... well, I do, but their on my phone and I have yet to figure how to get them onto my computer. But I do have this next one of Sean and Nate and my new nephew dog, Cooper.
~Say good-bye, boys!

Tobey, well, Tobey is always lounging around. It's just part of his temperament, but also he's getting old (almost 8). And while he is lounging, he demands tummy rubs... and I am a sucker for an exposed tummy.
I really need to get him together with his dog cousins; they always give his a good burst of energy, since one is a terrier and the other a puppy. Plus, he really enjoys playing with them.
Nate has been tired form allergies. If it's green and grows, he's allergic to it; the main reason I haven't gotten flowers in over two-and-a-half years. He's feeling better now; the sinus infection has been killed with antibiotics and grapefruit juice.
I have conic insomnia, which always gets worse a week to week-and-a-half before.... um, 'that time' and I'll be up till sometimes 2:30am. It's not like I want to do it or I'm trying to stay up on purpose! I just can't shut off my mind and go to sleep. You think that I should see a doctor?
Last is Sean. Sean slept form 9:45pm to 7am and is now back to sleep at 8am. I don't blame him and I am not worried in the least.
1) Sean had a very busy weekend. Friends came in town Friday, Daddy and Sean ran all over town on Saturday, and Sunday, Sean went to his friend, Tommy's, first birthday party.
2) Sean got his flu shot yesterday. Yes, I vaccinate my child. Look at some of my older post on what I think about it. But tiredness is a very common side effect of the flu shot. I'm keeping an eye on him though, just to make sure nothing new shows up. (A slight fever is also common with the flu shot, but I know how to handle a low grade temp. ^_^)
I wish that I had some more newer photos of Sean... well, I do, but their on my phone and I have yet to figure how to get them onto my computer. But I do have this next one of Sean and Nate and my new nephew dog, Cooper.
~Say good-bye, boys!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Mini Monet!
Hi there.
First thing and it's real weird; I was up at 6am, on my own, and feeling totally refreshed. I NEVER do that!
So, Sean was done with breakfast, but was still a little hungry. I needed to work on emptying the dishes (still need to re-load, though. Nate.... ). Did I give him Cheerios? No. Did I give him some puffs? No Did I give him the yogurt melts that he loves oh so very much? No! What did I give him? Baby finger paint.
Yes, baby finger paint. Just a simple mixture of fruit and cereal watered down some so it's nice and semi-runny like paint. Not only is it real fun to smear around, squish through fingers and make a huge mess, but it also helps get those finger muscles working so maybe one day he'll point (he has the concept of pointing seeing he'll look in the direction you're pointing at, but he has still to point).
Did we have fun Sean?

(Yes, he also ate some...)
And I guess that I should just bite the bullet and explain yesterday’s Wordless Wednesday photograph (Lord, help me…)
Sean figured out how to take is diaper off, again. I honestly think the first time was a happy accident for him caused by flipping a rolling around in his crib trying to find his corner (he likes to sleep with his head in the corner…). But this was a true, honest-to-God, he took the diapie off all by himself event……… and then proceeded to discover his boy parts.

He also saw the camera and decided to pose for the latest new installment of “Babies Gone Wild.”

It’s really not a big deal. I mean, he found his little baby boy parts; it’s just like finding his fingers or toes. It’s a part of his body and he should be entitled to explore it and figure out what it does, just like any other part of his body. It’s not a big deal, so I’m not going to treat it like one… until he starts undressing in public…
Other than dealing with a nude baby, how an I doing. Well, I have contracted Tiny Chicken Disease so my nose feels like a leaky faucet. Nate also had Tiny Chicken Disease,only his tiny chickens laid rotten eggs and thus has a sinus infection! Great.... He is feeling better, though. Sean also had this chicken disease, but only because those two front teeth are cutting in but don't want to poke through!
The inverters of Puffs tissues are my best friend right now....
First thing and it's real weird; I was up at 6am, on my own, and feeling totally refreshed. I NEVER do that!
So, Sean was done with breakfast, but was still a little hungry. I needed to work on emptying the dishes (still need to re-load, though. Nate.... ). Did I give him Cheerios? No. Did I give him some puffs? No Did I give him the yogurt melts that he loves oh so very much? No! What did I give him? Baby finger paint.
Yes, baby finger paint. Just a simple mixture of fruit and cereal watered down some so it's nice and semi-runny like paint. Not only is it real fun to smear around, squish through fingers and make a huge mess, but it also helps get those finger muscles working so maybe one day he'll point (he has the concept of pointing seeing he'll look in the direction you're pointing at, but he has still to point).
Did we have fun Sean?
(Yes, he also ate some...)
And I guess that I should just bite the bullet and explain yesterday’s Wordless Wednesday photograph (Lord, help me…)
Sean figured out how to take is diaper off, again. I honestly think the first time was a happy accident for him caused by flipping a rolling around in his crib trying to find his corner (he likes to sleep with his head in the corner…). But this was a true, honest-to-God, he took the diapie off all by himself event……… and then proceeded to discover his boy parts.
He also saw the camera and decided to pose for the latest new installment of “Babies Gone Wild.”
It’s really not a big deal. I mean, he found his little baby boy parts; it’s just like finding his fingers or toes. It’s a part of his body and he should be entitled to explore it and figure out what it does, just like any other part of his body. It’s not a big deal, so I’m not going to treat it like one… until he starts undressing in public…
Other than dealing with a nude baby, how an I doing. Well, I have contracted Tiny Chicken Disease so my nose feels like a leaky faucet. Nate also had Tiny Chicken Disease,only his tiny chickens laid rotten eggs and thus has a sinus infection! Great.... He is feeling better, though. Sean also had this chicken disease, but only because those two front teeth are cutting in but don't want to poke through!
The inverters of Puffs tissues are my best friend right now....
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Word-full Wednesday?
Okay, so I made a post on Sunday evening, I get it just about done, and the internet crashes and didn't save what I had written. GRRRR! And the icing on the cake (mmmm....cake....), the server isn't letting me upload a photo for Wordless Wednesday. But I guess it isn't that bad; I mean, I get to talk your ear off, right?
So, Sunday my darling mother -in-law (and that is sincere) came to visit her little Irish grandbaby. She and my sister-in-law had come down on Friday and stayed with my brother-in-law and his family right out of the city limits. She was suppose to come up on Saturday, but all hell (yes, hell. H-E- double toothpick. I said it!) broke loose and between co-worker's mothers dieing, and my sister-in-law using the only car (we never did see her...) and mother-in-law having to watch my nephew so brother -in-law could fill in for said co-worker... well, Sunday seemed to be better.
I was kind that Kathy (mother-in-law) was able to come, just her. I think that it's important that Sean has some one-on-one time with his other grandma. My mom get's a lot of it, but Kathy lives out of state and, well, it's hard to get together sometimes.
We went out for an after church lunch and Sean promptly took a nap as soon as we got home. "Ahh. Sean is resting. So nice, since he was up a lot the night before teething. We'll let him sleep for an hour and a half" Well, that lasted all of 45 minutes when he woke up pooping himself. He was MAD! He was fine it I was holding him, but not Daddy. And Grandma? Don't even go there.
He was fussy for, maybe half-an-hour, but after he woke up more, he decided that Grandma was okay to crawl around on the floor with him. I got dinner ready
Scott and Naomi came over for dinner, we are, we talked, we did dishes, the three left and the three of us crashed! Phew! What a day!
Well, tonight I had a cake class. Sean needed a sitter, so Auntie Naomi came to watch Mr. Monkey Butt! He was pretty good for her, I heard. He cryed for about 15 minutes but dozed off. He's teething and he's going through a groth spurt. I feel so bad for him! But this was the first time that Naomi had the chance to have Sean all to herself! I think that she really enjoyed it.
But, I'm tired now. I made a metric butt ton of baby food today and am now wiped.
Goodnight voiced
Goodnight air
Goodnight noises everywhere.
So, Sunday my darling mother -in-law (and that is sincere) came to visit her little Irish grandbaby. She and my sister-in-law had come down on Friday and stayed with my brother-in-law and his family right out of the city limits. She was suppose to come up on Saturday, but all hell (yes, hell. H-E- double toothpick. I said it!) broke loose and between co-worker's mothers dieing, and my sister-in-law using the only car (we never did see her...) and mother-in-law having to watch my nephew so brother -in-law could fill in for said co-worker... well, Sunday seemed to be better.
I was kind that Kathy (mother-in-law) was able to come, just her. I think that it's important that Sean has some one-on-one time with his other grandma. My mom get's a lot of it, but Kathy lives out of state and, well, it's hard to get together sometimes.
We went out for an after church lunch and Sean promptly took a nap as soon as we got home. "Ahh. Sean is resting. So nice, since he was up a lot the night before teething. We'll let him sleep for an hour and a half" Well, that lasted all of 45 minutes when he woke up pooping himself. He was MAD! He was fine it I was holding him, but not Daddy. And Grandma? Don't even go there.
He was fussy for, maybe half-an-hour, but after he woke up more, he decided that Grandma was okay to crawl around on the floor with him. I got dinner ready
Scott and Naomi came over for dinner, we are, we talked, we did dishes, the three left and the three of us crashed! Phew! What a day!
Well, tonight I had a cake class. Sean needed a sitter, so Auntie Naomi came to watch Mr. Monkey Butt! He was pretty good for her, I heard. He cryed for about 15 minutes but dozed off. He's teething and he's going through a groth spurt. I feel so bad for him! But this was the first time that Naomi had the chance to have Sean all to herself! I think that she really enjoyed it.
But, I'm tired now. I made a metric butt ton of baby food today and am now wiped.
Goodnight voiced
Goodnight air
Goodnight noises everywhere.
Wordless Wednesday
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
I'm really not sure what to call this....
Because I really don't know what to write about. Sean is happily playing in his play yard and I'm going to try to clean the living room.
Sean just loves to figure things out for himself, so I can set him in his play yard and not feel too horrible about it. He's real good at playing by himself and if there is any mother out there who says that I'm a bad mother because I let my baby boy play by himself and am not there to stimulate him every moment, she can kiss the planet that's on my back side!

Just look at him, he just loves playing that 'piano' so much! He works on it all the time, so much to the point that I've been tempted to take the batteries out and not put them back in until he's 10! But, I guess that some day, when I'm old and gray, I'll miss hearing the sound of "Skip to my Lou" starting over and over and over and then it plays all the way through.
I honestly think that it's a real good thing that he knows how to entertain himself. He can play nice for over an hour-and-a-half sometimes, and I can get some work (or blogging) done. If he gets too use to having to be entertained, how will he do when he has to play by himself when he's older? Why do parents think that to be a good parent that you have to fill you child's day with none-stop games and play-dates and every moment, you have to stimulate them? What will they do in "down-time?" They'll have no idea what to do!!
Sean is stimulating his mind just fine with "The Wheels on the Bus" and "Pop Goes the Weasel" in near succession and the keys lighting up (I tried to a photo of him playing with his feet, but he sat up when he say me stand. Such is life). He's just fine. He actually likes playing by himself!
That's my stand on things. I mean, just look at that smile and tell me that he's not the happiest baby you've ever seen.
Sean just loves to figure things out for himself, so I can set him in his play yard and not feel too horrible about it. He's real good at playing by himself and if there is any mother out there who says that I'm a bad mother because I let my baby boy play by himself and am not there to stimulate him every moment, she can kiss the planet that's on my back side!
Just look at him, he just loves playing that 'piano' so much! He works on it all the time, so much to the point that I've been tempted to take the batteries out and not put them back in until he's 10! But, I guess that some day, when I'm old and gray, I'll miss hearing the sound of "Skip to my Lou" starting over and over and over and then it plays all the way through.
I honestly think that it's a real good thing that he knows how to entertain himself. He can play nice for over an hour-and-a-half sometimes, and I can get some work (or blogging) done. If he gets too use to having to be entertained, how will he do when he has to play by himself when he's older? Why do parents think that to be a good parent that you have to fill you child's day with none-stop games and play-dates and every moment, you have to stimulate them? What will they do in "down-time?" They'll have no idea what to do!!
Sean is stimulating his mind just fine with "The Wheels on the Bus" and "Pop Goes the Weasel" in near succession and the keys lighting up (I tried to a photo of him playing with his feet, but he sat up when he say me stand. Such is life). He's just fine. He actually likes playing by himself!
That's my stand on things. I mean, just look at that smile and tell me that he's not the happiest baby you've ever seen.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Wordless Wednesday
Welcome to Wordless Wednesday! I stole got the idea from MckMama and I decided to take my spin on it. After today all Wednesday post will be 100% word free.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words… Let’s see if their right…
Wordless Wednesday
Monday, August 17, 2009
If it's not one thing....
... it's twenty others. That's the reason I've been absent for over a week (bout, come to think about it, that's kind of normal...).
Well the reason is, I'm a scatter-brain. Always have been. I'm doing something and I think of something else that needs done, and that leads to another, and that leads to another, and at the end of the day I have a dozen (at least) half finished projects.
A typical week plus the two days a week I'm working now) are as followed:
And, have I mentioned lately that I love my husband (even thought there are some times I want to wring his neck). There's no big, special reason to say that; I just felt like I should. I really love him so much; I couldn't think of a better man to be my husband or Sean's daddy and I really really appreciate him putting up with and understanding my crazy, scatter-brainy-ness.
Well it's photo time! Here we go

Sean one day before turning nine months old! I can't believe it!

He did this himself, I sware to God! I put him down for a nap and he had pulled off his diaper! He even lied down on it so if he peed, it would be on the diaper!
Wendseday, Sean cut his eye toothe; tooth number three. So we gave him his dinner still in frozen form:

Don't worry, that's not blood! He tryed beets' for the first time that night! The camera just made the juice look more red than purple.
Now that I look at it, I can see how one might think he was bleeding. This almost looks like it chould have come strait form Sweeney Todd!

I would say that at the end of the night, it was a success. Nate, Sean and I all ate at the same time, Sean liked the beets' and liked getting purple, the purple-ness washed off in the tub and Sean slept all night. But the best part for me was: I now have over a dozen new photos I can use as black mail for when he's a teen-ager!
Say good-night, Sean!

Well the reason is, I'm a scatter-brain. Always have been. I'm doing something and I think of something else that needs done, and that leads to another, and that leads to another, and at the end of the day I have a dozen (at least) half finished projects.
A typical week plus the two days a week I'm working now) are as followed:
- Get up at 8am to take meds and see if Sean is up. If not, go back to rest a little more.
- Wake up with Sean
- Get breakfast for Sean-realize that the dishes have been there for a while and try to get those done at the same time
- Play-and if Sean is playing nice by himself, try to round up the laundry, but get distracted
- Put Sean down for nap- do some laundry, but realize that the stuff to go is Sean's room has to wait and then totally forget about it
- Sean gets up we play
- Get lunch ready for Sean- maybe try to get some baby food made in her, too, or dished, or some more laundry in between spoonfuls (Mesh teething feeders are my HERO)
- Play 'the foot game' in Sean's room- knit/crochet/sew or some other crafty thing, then realize that the front room is a mess
- Let Sean play in play-pen and try to clean computer area- get distracted by email and Sean
- Put Sean down for a nap (hopefully he'll sleep, usually does) and pray to God Nate gets off early
- Nate gets off and I have done a lot, but nothing gets done!
- (Tues and Fri. Get up at 6:30am get ready for work, drop of Sean at Grammys Work till noon-ish help Grammy around the house)
And, have I mentioned lately that I love my husband (even thought there are some times I want to wring his neck). There's no big, special reason to say that; I just felt like I should. I really love him so much; I couldn't think of a better man to be my husband or Sean's daddy and I really really appreciate him putting up with and understanding my crazy, scatter-brainy-ness.
Well it's photo time! Here we go
Sean one day before turning nine months old! I can't believe it!
He did this himself, I sware to God! I put him down for a nap and he had pulled off his diaper! He even lied down on it so if he peed, it would be on the diaper!
Wendseday, Sean cut his eye toothe; tooth number three. So we gave him his dinner still in frozen form:
Don't worry, that's not blood! He tryed beets' for the first time that night! The camera just made the juice look more red than purple.
Now that I look at it, I can see how one might think he was bleeding. This almost looks like it chould have come strait form Sweeney Todd!
I would say that at the end of the night, it was a success. Nate, Sean and I all ate at the same time, Sean liked the beets' and liked getting purple, the purple-ness washed off in the tub and Sean slept all night. But the best part for me was: I now have over a dozen new photos I can use as black mail for when he's a teen-ager!
Say good-night, Sean!
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