Sean is finally here!
Tuesday they induced labor for me, thing number one that change our plans. When we got there, the doctor broke my water to get the process started (It felt like I was peeing myself for a long time). So with the induction, I was required to stay in bed the whole time hooked up to a monitor to make sure that Sean was okay, thing two that changed, not being able to move around.
After a while of smaller contractions, they introduced some pitosin in my system to get the the labor stronger. Oh, my God, did that hurt! I was able to handle them for the most part of nine hours, but after nine hours and not a lot of progress, I desided to get the epidural, seeing that I was already stuck in bed. Change number three.
Then the biggest change was when the doctor came in after 12-ish hours and no change had happed whatsoever, I was still at 5cm and having contractions that would normally dialate me to 7-8cm. He was still able to get his fingers between the cervix and baby's head during a contraction, so Sean was sitting really high and semi-sunny-side up. That meaning instead of being face down like he was suppose to be, he was facing up, and not just facing up, facing up at an angle. So, we talked it over and Nate, Doc and I desided that a cesarian was the best option.
The Operation was cool to watch; I could see it in the reflection. The birth took about fife minutes tops, and when they lifted him over the drap to show me his lil' face... I still couldn't believe it; something so 'tiny' and innocent came out of me, that Nate and I made... Wow.
Sean came into the world at 9lbs 15oz and 21 1/4 in with dark brown hair and steel gray eyes screaming like a banchee. He's a big baby, with cute little chubber cheeks, but not chuncky really. He's also really storng and loves to snuggle.
Right now, Sean is doing fine. I'm still having a lot of discomfort and some pain from the operation, but otherwise okay; maybe a bit of baby blues, but okay. Sean is having some issues with latching on for nursing, but we're meeting with a lactision today to try and work that out.
Nate is so good with him while I'm recovering (it's hard to get around). He's been helping changing and swadling him and walking with him. He's also been helping me out to; reaching and fetching things that are painful for me to do now, helping me up out of bed and chairs and being a wonderful rock of emotional support. I couldn't have gone through this without him.
But brakefast is here, so I better go, I'll be home tomorrow.
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