Sean just loves to figure things out for himself, so I can set him in his play yard and not feel too horrible about it. He's real good at playing by himself and if there is any mother out there who says that I'm a bad mother because I let my baby boy play by himself and am not there to stimulate him every moment, she can kiss the planet that's on my back side!
Just look at him, he just loves playing that 'piano' so much! He works on it all the time, so much to the point that I've been tempted to take the batteries out and not put them back in until he's 10! But, I guess that some day, when I'm old and gray, I'll miss hearing the sound of "Skip to my Lou" starting over and over and over and then it plays all the way through.
I honestly think that it's a real good thing that he knows how to entertain himself. He can play nice for over an hour-and-a-half sometimes, and I can get some work (or blogging) done. If he gets too use to having to be entertained, how will he do when he has to play by himself when he's older? Why do parents think that to be a good parent that you have to fill you child's day with none-stop games and play-dates and every moment, you have to stimulate them? What will they do in "down-time?" They'll have no idea what to do!!
Sean is stimulating his mind just fine with "The Wheels on the Bus" and "Pop Goes the Weasel" in near succession and the keys lighting up (I tried to a photo of him playing with his feet, but he sat up when he say me stand. Such is life). He's just fine. He actually likes playing by himself!
That's my stand on things. I mean, just look at that smile and tell me that he's not the happiest baby you've ever seen.