Sean is five months old now! What the F....!?! When did he get so old?! He's doing all of these new things everyday that just amaze me!
First off, he's sitting up by himself. We'll just set him on the floor in a sitting position, and he takes it from there.
Second, he's starting to crawl. He isn't doing a full out hands-and-knees, cruisin' around the house crawl; it's more along the lines of a slow, sloppy army crawl. He'll kick with his legs and push himself along with his elbows. My brother and his fiancee, who are both military, think it's the cutest thing! And let me tell you, he can get around!
Sean also had his first ER visit a few weeks back. Nate and I were getting him ready for his night time bath in his room; I was getting a sleepy sack and Nate was undressing Sean, My back was turned and all of a sudden I hear "Oh, sh*t!", a thud! and Sean scream: Sean had quite literally jumped out of his dads arms (around a four foot fall)! I turn around to see Sean face down on his floor (which is a blessing he fell there, because it has new carpet and carpet pad, so it was the softest break for his fall) and Nate with a deer-in-the-headlights look on his face.
So we run him to the ER and he screamed the whole way, but started to doze off right as we were turning into the lot... then got mad we moved him and screamed even harder.
We got in, got admitted, got checked out, x-rayed, diagnosed and released all under two hours! Everything was fine: no head trauma, no broken bones, no major injuries at all, thank God. They still told us to wake him every three hours to check him for any symptoms that may be new. So I did at 12:30...... and he screamed till 7:45!
My mom rocks for coming to drive us around at 3am! Nate had an obligation at church (the very first thing) and was thinking of staying the whole service... but at 5 I called him and said if he didn't come right after the opening that "I swear to God, I'll make your life a living hell!" That got his attention. He came. I love him. Sean didn't want to nurse for a week!
Sean is all better now and nursing again, but was run back to the ER again last week with a fever of 101F. That came down very quick, just a cold bug. He still has a little congestion and a wee bit of a cough left, but he gave it to both his dad and me. All last week, we all were whining for death. Thank God for my Grammy for helping with Sean so I could recoup!
Easter was wonderful! We went to Ill to Nate’s folks and then further to Wiss to see his grandparents and extended family. Sean was very well behaved during Dad’s services (FIL is a pastor) and his grandma and grandpa ate him up… so did their Husky!
But, it’s late, so I’m going to get this rounds photos up and hit the hay!
Baseball with Grandpa
Grandma Loves me!
I love to sleep on Daddy
Doggy Kisses!
Daddy and Me Lookin' sharp
I can Sit... And Crawl!